You are here: FAQ > Documaker Standard Edition FAQ > WIP Issues > Is there an easy way to delete all records from WIP that do not match the current date?

Is there an easy way to delete all records from WIP that do not match the current date?

Follow these steps to delete all records from WIP that do not match the current date:

Edit the MEN.RES file as follows to add the Batch DAL option to your system. Add the lines in bold below:

POPUP  "W&ip" 257 "Wip menu"
   MENUITEM "&Wip List..." 297 "AFEW32->AFECombineWipDlgs" "Wip Functions"
   MENUITEM "&Edit..." 270 "AFEW32->AFEUpdate" "Edit existing document"
   MENUITEM "&Batch Print..." 271 "AFEW32->AFEPrint" "Batch Print existing document"
   MENUITEM "Batch DAL..." 29400 "AFEW32->AFEBatchDalProcess" "Process DAL in Batch"
   MENUITEM "&View Batch Queue..." 272 "AFEW32->AFEViewBatch" "View existing document in Batch Queue"

Add the following control groups and options (in bold) to your FSISYS.INI or FSIUSER.INI file.

< Batch_DAL >
	ScriptFile = delete.dal
< DAL >
< MasterResource >
	DALFile	= [CONFIG:new] DalFile =
< CONFIG:new >

Use a text editor to create a DAL script called DELETE.DAL. Place this DAL script in the DefLib directory of your master resource library. Add this to the script:

if DD > 0 then DelWip();

Now you can open your library in Documaker Desktop and choose the WIP, Batch DAL option. The DAL script will then run automatically, deleting all WIP records that do not match the current date—including their NA and POL files.